I am however, looking at reintroducing spices, nuts and seeds. I feel that I have rested my gut now for seven weeks, and given that there is conflicting information about whether to avoid nuts and seeds or not, I will see if I tolerate them well enough to benefit from their nutrient content. They seem to be the least likely of the foods in question to cause a problem.
I will start off this coming week with seed and fruit based spices.
The following week, I will try seeds, and then the all important trial of cocoa! Please Food Gods, let me have that one!!! The next week I will try nuts.
I would love to hear from you if you have reintroduced spices, nuts and seeds. What were your experiences with doing so? How much do you eat now? Do you consume some on a daily basis, or less regularly?
The Autoimmune Protocol has reinforced my resolve to do anything I can to improve my health. It was my brother's birthday this week, and although I drooled over the beautiful birthday cakes we had for him, I did not feel tempted to even lick my fingers as I cut them up!
- "Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly" -
Glimpses of week seven's food in photos:
Sounds like a good plan - reintroduce things slowly to work out if they're good or bad.